Use My Proven

60 Second Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To

PURGE Anxiety From Your Subconscious Mind

Use My Proven 60

Second Subconscious Rewiring Routine To PURGE Anxiety From Your Subconscious Mind

Time is Of The Essence

Time is Of The Essence


Get Complimentary Access to TWO Exclusive Workshops With Your Purchase:

1. Holiday Stress Release Workshop: Overcome and take control of stress & anxiety

2. Developing Self Resilience: How to take back your power from people, technology & outside forces holding you hostage.

From daily life altering panic attacks to conquering anxiety...

A little while ago, Baillie came to me with a serious problem.

Her life was an anxiety riddled nightmare suffering from daily debilitating panic and anxiety attacks.

For 5 years, Ballie and her mom tried it all…

From counseling, therapy, different meds to alternative treatments like acupuncture and meditation.

Sadly, nothing worked in the long term.

Desperate to escape from this dark place into a brighter future, they came to me as their last hope.

In that first session, I showed Ballie how to turn a 60 minute panic attack into a 60 SECOND panic attack using a simple subconscious rewiring exercise.

The result?

The next day she didn’t have a

SINGLE panic attack!

It didn’t just end there either…

  • She started driving again without ever having to pull over and have a panic attack on the side of the road

  • ​She excelled in school while stressful events no longer triggered panic attacks

  • ​She had friends and relationships again without pushing everyone away!

Since that day, I’ve now gone on to help tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, elite performers and rockstar mamas and papas overcome “untreatable” anxiety…

While ending lifelong struggles with unexplained stress, hopelessness and overwhelm.

Now, I want to give you the exact techniques I use with clients so you can win the battle against your own anxiety monster.




Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

I feel worthless, constantly miserable and like an absolute failure...

This is a real statement I hear almost everyday from my clients…

Maybe you can relate?

For the past 15 years, I’ve been working with thousands of entrepreneurs, athletes, students, professionals and rockstar

mamas and papas to help them end their anxiety problem once

and for all.

I’ve heard thousands of ways anxiety has affected their lives:
  • "​I have suffered from being at my best and avoiding certain opportunities that would have impacted my professional career."

    • "I have suffered from hundreds of debilitating anxiety attacks or panic attacks… It makes every day life and working an extreme challenge when I lose control and fee panic."

    • "I derive stress generally from work and other daily obligations. I experience it as shortness in my breathing, feelings of "fear" and shortness of attention span and communication."

    • "​I have struggled with self doubt and worry for many years. I do get very tired of it and while I still can, I would like to be free of worry."

    • ​"Anxiety has held me back from being more outgoing in social settings at work, and it has made me extremely afraid of public speaking. As a result (in my eyes) I have had uncomfortable social encounters and presentations at work."

If you've ever wondered what it's like to live life to the fullest without the 100 ton burden of

anxiety resting on your shoulders 24/7...

First, let me show you…

This Is What Life Looks Like When You End Anxiety Once and For All

This Is What Life Looks Like When You End Anxiety Once and For All

A few recent testimonials from clients I've worked with...

Jennifer Juliano
Dan is simply amazing and has an incredible gift. to the point, non-judgmental, open, and transparent. A session with Dan is like getting a brain shower where he helps you help yourself refocus and clear the windshield. Anyone who has preconceived ideas of what hypnosis is and has been resistant about it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I really can’t say enough good about him and his work... So go see for yourself! :)
Kim Turgeon
Dan is extremely skilled at helping change your unconscious ways of approaching issues that are holding you back. As my daughter has said,

“why did we waste years on therapy sessions when this is more effective”.

Jennifer Juliano
Dan is simply amazing and has an incredible gift. to the point, non-judgmental, open, and transparent. A session with Dan is like getting a brain shower where he helps you help yourself refocus and clear the windshield. Anyone who has preconceived ideas of what hypnosis is and has been resistant about it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I really can’t say enough good about him and his work... So go see for yourself! :)
Kim Turgeon
Dan is extremely skilled at helping change your unconscious ways of approaching issues that are holding you back. As my daughter has said,

“why did we waste years on therapy sessions when this is more effective”.

So why don’t we just…

Put An End to This

Anxiety Problem Once & For All

It’s easy when you truly understand how anxiety operates

When clients come to see me, I’m often their last resort.

Many victims of anxiety are not sleeping, missing out on important opportunities and planning their entire life around when anxiety will strike again.

Most importantly…they want to end anxiety NOW (not hopefully 6 months later).

People I see tell me they’ve tried everything to solve their anxiety problem from:

The Trendy New Treatment Method

None of these methods attack the root problem causing anxiety!

When you discover how to tap into the power of your subconscious mind... can purge anxiety, stress & overwhelm lurking in your subconscious.

Before I tell you how, let me show you how I made this discovery and how I've helped

thousands of people across the world replace end their anxiety problem once and for all...

Hey, My Name is Dan Candell

I’m now known worldwide as The Anxiety Relief Guy





I’m a multi-award winning hypnotherapist, author, and speaker who has worked with thousands of people to help them overcome anxiety.

I started obsessing over ways to rapidly fix my own anxiety when it almost ended my career…

About 5 years ago, I used to perform a lot of stage shows across the world “wowing” the crowd as I hypnotized people in mere seconds.

It was great until one day I was performing on stage in Las Vegas.

There were around 500 people in the room laughing and enjoying the show as I made the volunteers believe they were rockstars, taking them on imaginary vacations, turning them into world class booty dancers, racing imaginary horses.

The audience was loving it!

I even did a part of the show at the end called two minutes of transformation where I led all of the volunteers through a rapid transformation process.

This little exercise changed their lives in minutes as a “gift” for being the star of the show!

But then, something happened that changed my life…

A Heckler

Shattered My Reality

As soon as I walked on stage, he started booing me and shouting obscenities at me.

He brought a few of his ass-hat friends to the show to egg him on.

I tried to diffuse the situation. I had the audience on my side, but this clown didn’t care (it’s very rare for anyone to pick a fight with a hypnotist, and even more rare to continue heckling when the audience is on the performer’s side trying to silence the bully.)

He shouted with terror: 

"Get off the stage you F*ck!n Fa**ot!"

"I don’t care who you think you are!"

"You SUCK!"

That was just the start….

He then got up from his chair in the audience, and started trying to fight the people on stage and even socked a girl in the face (ouch).

There was no security guard at this show, so I was left to diffuse these assholes myself.

It was a nightmare.

What he said AND DID shook me to the core.

His hateful insults pierced my core, triggering old memories and feelings I had buried down from my childhood.

And as a result…

I NEVER wanted to step on a stage again.

The sheer thought of it gave me a mind numbing panic attack that I felt echo through my bones.

I was a broken man…

Ready to give up on this whole hypnosis thing because my fear and panic attacks told me to end it all now.


Problem was - I had another show in 72 hours.

And damn, I needed that money (who doesn’t right?)


I Searched Everywhere For a Fast Way to Resolve My Anxiety Problem

I scoured YouTube looking for ways to overcome anxiety.

I called up my therapist friends and asked what I should do

Even looked at getting a prescription for some anti-depressants to numb it out…

I scoured YouTube looking for ways to overcome anxiety.

I called up my therapist friends and asked what I should do

Even looked at getting a prescription for some anti-depressants to numb it out…

I found nothing.

With less than 48 hours now remaining until my show, I needed to do something fast.

I began thinking about learning self hypnosis when I was a kid.

And then I thought…

Why Don’t I Remove The Feelings of Anxiety Directly From My Subconscious?

Since the age of 12, I had been practicing hypnotherapy.

Early on I became a registered hypnotherapist to practice my craft and learn hypnotherapy on clients.

I was currently doing this all the time for clients….

…so why not do it for myself?

I sat down and began using the same updated hypnosis methods I learned working with clients, just giving them minor adjustments. 

I started taking things that already had a good track record of working, and added elements and layers of hypnosis and “behavior modification” to them.

Acting as my own Guinea Pig I began diving directly into my subconscious and interrupting the pattern in my mind just like I have helped thousands of my clients do.

To my surprise…

It Completely Removed My Anxious Thoughts & Feelings!

Even though I do this work with people every day, I couldn’t believe it was working so well!

My anxious feelings were gone.

I began fine tuning my process and created a simple anxiety rewiring routine I repeated any time I felt anxious.

And it immediately curbed any feelings of anxiety, nervous energy or stress that would pop up.

48 hours later - I was speaking on stage again without a single negative or anxious thought.

After the show, I realized I found my true purpose helping people end their anxiety problem once and for all.

I knew there are millions of good people battling with their own anxiety every. single. day. 

On that day I decided to make it my mission to help people across the globe overcome their own anxiety monster…

…so they can live life as their best self without fear or anxiety stepping in their path of greatness.

Over the past 5+ years, I’ve had the privilege to work personally with thousands of clients from all walks of life to help them do just that:

College & high school students terrified of taking tests
Professionals & entrepreneurs who are socially anxious & shy away from conversation.
Athletes filled with nervous energy the moment they needed to step up.

Salespeople that feel anxious around asking for the sale (or even picking up the phone to call prospects).

Teens that deal with severe panic attacks and can’t hold down a job or keep up in school or their relationships.

Seriously - I’ve heard it all.

But let me share a secret with you: the multi billion dollar therapeutic and pharmaceutical industries don’t want you to know about…

The True Reason Most People Will NEVER Overcome Anxiety

The True

Reason Most People Will NEVER Overcome Anxiety

Most of my clients had tried all the usual stuff to overcome anxiety.

Not surprisingly, it didn’t work, probably leaving you wondering…

- “Isn’t therapy supposed to help me feel better?”

- “Shouldn’t yoga, meditation and reiki help me calm these anxious thoughts and feelings"

- “I’ve heard breathing exercises could help me feel less anxious…why didn’t it work for me?”

- “I’ve worked with other hypnotists before and I didn’t notice any changes, am I doomed for a life of anxiety?”

I’ve had clients tell me they’ve spent over $10,000 on therapy without feeling the difference.

In fact, some have felt worse!

This is abundantly clear as people online share it’s “normal” to feel exhausted or more anxious after therapy…

Is it normal to feel "hungover" after therapy?

Diving deeper, I did a quick search on Quora with the phrase "Why do I feel anxious after therapy?"

These we're the results...

Yes, therapy is great for some things…

"But isn’t the point of therapy to help us

rapidly feel better...

so we can move on with our lives?"

Entrepreneurs & professionals that come to me don’t have 6+ months to deal with therapy hangovers…

They need to stop anxiety NOW.

So how can we rapidly overcome anxiety without spending hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars оn therapy?

Open the drawbridge to your subconscious mind & remove limiting anxious beliefs from your core…

Open the drawbridge to your subconscious mind & remove limiting anxious beliefs from your core…

The missing piece that helps you rapidly overcome anxiety & stress can be summarized in this one simple sentence…

The missing piece that helps you rapidly overcome anxiety & stress can be summarized in this one simple sentence…

Anxiety IS a subconscious problem…and requires a subconscious solution

You must understand that every person has a “critical factor” that chooses what information enters your mind.

Think of your critical factor as a drawbridge to your subconscious mind.

You must understand that every person has a “critical factor” that chooses what information enters your mind.

Think of your critical factor as a drawbridge to your subconscious mind.

When people try to overcome anxiety using methods like acupuncture or therapy…

…the new belief systems and ideas bounce off the critical factor.

(Her mom spent thousands on therapy, meds and other hypnotists without seeing any progress before seeing an ounce of progress).

Just think about it…

As I continued touring the country helping hundreds of clients every year, I began documenting all the successes people started experiencing after working together.

I recorded when a technique worked...or when it didn't.

And (most importantly) I stopped taking things at face value and either validated the method consistently worked...or tossed it away.

What I had left was 5 simple techniques anyone could use to overcome anxiety in as little as 60 seconds.

For a while, I was giving these 5 methods only to my private VIP clients who pay me thousands of dollars to work together.

But in order to fulfill my mission of helping millions of people Break Free from anxiety, I decided to package them all up and give them away for pennies on the dollar.

Introducing - The 5X5 Anxiety Relief Powerpack:

5X5 Anxiety Relief Powerpack

5X5 Anxiety Relief


Purge Anxiety, Fear & Doubt From Your

Subconscious in 60 Seconds Or Less…



Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

See What Others Experienced After Working With Me Or Going Through My Programs...

Too many people live everyday with anxiety looming over their heads.

With social media and our changing world, we’re more stressed today than ever before.

Not to mention COVID has impacted everyone in some way regardless if that’s in the form of hate and violence…

…or fear and isolation.

These past few years were gruesome, no doubt about that.

Let’s put an end to this once and for all so you can live as your best self without the stress or anxiety getting in the way.

All you have to do is follow this simple 3-step process to remove anxiety from your subconscious mind in 60 seconds less...

It’s Really That Easy To Replace Negative Feelings With Calm & Bliss!

It’s Really That Easy To Overcome Anxiety

When you can remove anxiety from your core…

…you’ll begin purging feelings of anxiety once and for all.

Imagine what life will be like when you’re no longer planning your day around anxiety.

No longer deciding what you can and can’t do…

You’ll find a new found freedom to live a life you’ve craved for so long.

To wake up as the superhero of your own destiny!

Here’s the best part about the 5X5…
Here’s the best part…

✔️ It’s not going to cost you thousands of dollars you may have spent on other treatments…

​✔️ It’s not going to take months or weeks to experience rapid relief…

✔️ It’s not going to require you to pop pills or live your life reliant on drugs to feel normal…

✔️ You’re going to pay 147X LESS than my private clients paid to get these same exercises.

All you have to do is click the button below to try out the 5X5 today for just $27...



Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

The 5X5 Power Pack Is a Shortcut

Inside, you’ll get access to 5 proven step-by-step exercises to stop anxiety, panic attacks or excessive stress in as little as 60 seconds.

Yes, it’s really that simple.

Whenever you get a hint of stress or anxiety, just plug your headphones in, load up the mobile app (or our desktop site) and press play.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the 5 exercises you’ll receive inside the

5X5 Anxiety Relief Power Pack:


Instant Calm

With the Instant Calm exercise -

I’ll (hypnotically) take your hand and help you anchor and condition a state of calm that will make you feel grounded and calm in 60 seconds or less. This is like next-level Harry Potter stuff to feel true bliss and tranquility.


Resource Mind

With the resource mind exercise, I’ll show you how to THINK your way out of stress and anxiety to effortlessly replace those feelings with confidence and empowerment. 

This is great for those analytic thinkers who stay up late overthinking things.


Emotional Replacement

(ER) Strategy

This is one of my favorites because it’s like inception to tap into your mind. When you learn how to use Emotional Replacement, you’ll be able to literally pull negative feelings and emotions out of you and replace them with calm, confidence and focus.

This is a simple method that makes it easy to go from freaking out…to confident and cool, ready to take on the world.


Mental Dissociation

What if you could snap your fingers and watch how your mind detaches itself from all the feelings of worry, stress, anxiety, nervousness, panic, fear or doubt? When you use this right, you’ll be able to do just that.

You’ll see your own feelings exit your brain and you watch them fly away leaving you in a place of peace & tranquility.

Crazy, I know…but extremely effective (you have to try it to see what I mean).

This technique teaches you how to rapidly detach yourself from worry, stress, anxiety, nervousness, panic, fear, and doubt. 


Hypnotic Tapping

You may have heard of tapping before...

It’s a great method to rapidly replace feelings of anxiety, stress and overwhelm.

However, what I’ve done is add a hypnotic element to this ancient technique to ensure it removes anxiety from the subconscious directly.

When you do this right, you’ll be able to activate energetic pressure points across your body to stop anxious feelings & thoughts in mere seconds.

Think of this as your anxiety relief tool kit…where you can pull out a tool in any situation like:
social setting

to interact, meet and feel confident around people.

high pressure


like taking tests, giving speeches or stepping up in a meeting to share your thoughts and ideas.

random anxiety


that appear out of nowhere (you can perform these techniques in broad daylight without a soul realizing you just conquered an anxiety attack..

taking risks

my entrepreneurial and sales professional clients use these ALL the time to comfortably move into uncomfortable situations to experience monumental growth.

fear of ____ - flying

starting new projects, sales, public speaking, asking that special someone on a date…there’s a tool here you can use to purge feelings of fear and anxiety away in less than 60 seconds.

overcoming past

experiences beliefs

that linger in our subconscious and cause feelings of fear & anxiety when a trigger moment happens.

stepping up in

those important


like being a leader, making cold calls, speaking on stages, playing competitive sports - or even simple things like trying something new (these techniques also kill procrastination because you’ll no longer feel the fear causing you to procrastinate in the first place)
You’ll also get access to 3 incredible bonuses

when you try the 5X5…


The SHIFT For Habit Control Workshop

In this short workshop, I’ll teach you step-by-step how to use the 5X5 to purge bad habits, intrusive thoughts, and mental obstacles that stand in your way.

As James Clear says in his famous book Automic Habits:

Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results

What you’ll discover inside this mini workshop is how to subconsciously add good habits & remove bad ones without relying on willpower.

I taught a similar method inside my Self Hypnosis Secrets program, and this was the result:

Learning how to stick to good habits without relying on willpower can lead to starting & scaling a business, building beautiful relationships, becoming Tik Tok famous…even building your dream body.

I’ll show you how inside this workshop, which is yours completely free when you sign up for the 5X5 today.

You’ll also get access to...


Micro Session

Let me share something wild you’ve probably never realized before…

Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are all patterns.

Most of these patterns people have happen automatically, without even noticing they’re there.

It’s why when we go into a specific situation, our internal pattern makes us feel anxious or uncomfortable.

So what can we do to solve this?

Create an underlying pattern that can help you make rapid changes.

That’s exactly what I teach you how to do inside the Rapid Release Pattern Micro Session.

Think of this as a subconscious coaching template that can help you effortlessly cut ties with any internal anxiety, fears, doubts or worries while putting YOU back in the driver's seat.

In this bonus micro session, I’ll show you exactly how to gain control over these patterns inside your mind so that you can finally be your own “mental captain.”

Luckily, it won’t take longer than 15 minutes for you to get the hang of this to start course correcting and building your own internal patterns.

Again, all yours completely free for just trying out the 5X5 Anxiety Relief Pack.

Finally, I’ve included one more special bonus for people that are having problems sleeping…


Super Sleep

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients is that they don't sleep well.

And I don’t blame them!

It's hard to sleep if your mind just won't. shut. up.

That’s why I want to give you my signature "Super Sleep Program” which will help you fall fast asleep.

It includes three separate audios depending on the mood you are in.

My goal is to make this an absolute no brainer decision to help you overcome anxiety NOW.

Plus, Get Limited Time Access to

TWO Holiday Bonuses

When You Sign Up Before Jan 1

To help you have a stress free holiday season (even around those family members), I'm giving

you two powerful tools to help you navigate the holiday season.

LIMITED TIME Holiday Bonus #1: Holiday Stress Release Workshop

This was one of thee most popular workshop I ever hosted.

In this one, I'll show you exactly how you can take back control of stress & anxiety.

I'll share with you simple strategies and methods you can use to feel calm and in control even in the most stressful times.

We had over 50 people show up to this live.

It's yours for FREE as part of our Holiday Special.

LIMITED TIME Holiday Bonus #2: Developing Self Resilience

This is actually taken from one of my premium programs called "The GIFT System"

Inside this section, I'm going to show you how to develop self resilience to not be swayed by outside forces.

This is all about taking back your power to take abundant, powerful actions even if the outside world is throwing chaos, overwhelm and stress at you.

My private clients use this regularly to navigate uncertain, stressful times.

Because once you build your Self Resilience, no matter what's happening around you...'re in control.

It's all included when you sign up for...



Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

You may think this is too good to be true.

“Surely - this guy is going to randomly charge my credit card or do something fishy here.”

But seriously…

There is NO Catch

You get LIFETIME access to the 5X5 Above & all the bonuses.

This isn’t one of those slimy websites that starts randomly charging your card without your consent.

I’m giving you the entire 5X5 Program along with all the bonuses at cost to put my best foot forward and demonstrate value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time is Of The Essence

Time is Of The Essence

Here’s why…


After advertising, web hosting & payment processing expenses, I’ll be spending approximately

$43.07 to get the 5X5 Power Pack in your hands.

So why do it?


My hope is that I’ll make a great first impression on you and you’ll be inclined to work with me to

help you overcome anxiety…

…or take your mindset to that next level (whatever that looks like for you).

However, there’s NO obligation to do that.

My goal is to over deliver and help you get a fast win over your anxiety.

Pretty straight forward…

So what are you waiting for?



Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

Overcome Anxiety Or Your Money Back

I know you’re going to experience less anxiety, overwhelm and stress from using the 5X5 Power Pack that I’m willing to offer something crazy.

A lifetime guarantee.

I stand behind all of my work, and products.


So if for any reason whatsoever you don’t feel more focused, energized and calm once you begin removing anxiety from your life - I’ll give you a full refund…

No questions asked.

Here’s how to get started today…

Click the button below to get started today.

You’ll see a checkout popup where you can enter your payment details to confirm your order.

Once you complete your order using our secure checkout processor you’ll receive an email with instant access to the 5X5 & all the bonuses.

Ready to Experience

True Freedom & Bliss?

Ready to Experience

True Freedom & Bliss?

My mission is to help you overcome anxiety so you can experience true freedom…

Freedom to get off the anxiety rollercoaster.

Freedom to live as your best self with nothing holding you back.

Freedom to go after your dreams without fear or anxiety stepping in the way.

And I want YOU to experience that freedom

Click the button below to get started today…



Relief Powerpack

Use One Simple Subconscious Rewiring

Routine To Overcome Anxiety, Fear & Stress

In Just 60 Seconds

Here’s Everything You’re Getting for Your

$27 Investment:

Exercise #1: Instant Calm (Value $47)

Exercise #2: Resource Mind  (Value $47)

Exercise #3: Emotional Replacement (ER) Strategy (Value $47)

Exercise #4: Mental Dissociation (Value $47)

Exercise #5: Hypnotic Tapping for Anxiety Relief (Value $47)

Bonus #1: The Shift for Habit Control Workshop (Value $97)

Bonus #2: The RAPID RELEASE Pattern

(Value $197)

Bonus #3: The Super Sleep Audio Program

(Value $67)

Holiday Stress Release Workshop (Value $97)

Developing Self Resilience (Value $197)

Total value: $596

You’ve Got Questions,

We’ve Got Answers!

It's different for every person. What I can tell you is that if you follow the methods I teach, you'll find yourself releasing tension, anxiety, worry & stress within 5 minutes. Even if you suffer from extreme panic attacks, following the right method can help you rapidly overcome anxiety in that moment almost instantaneously.

I'm constantly referred to as "the hypnotists, hypnotist" because other hypnotists and therapists refer me "untreatable" patients. These are 5 proven exercises based on helping thousands of people overcome anxiety. If you're unsure, try them out for as long as you want. Clients tell me they've spent THOUSANDS on trying to overcome anxiety using every method on the planet. It wasn't until we worked together that they started living a life without anxiety. I'm so confident that the 5X5 can help you that if my methods don't work…I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

No. You can ask for a guarantee at any time…I'll even pay the additional payment processing fees that my credit card company charges me to process the refund. Why would I do this? I'm confident in my ability to help you and would rather you put all the risk on ME to deliver.

Fair enough?

YES! It absolutely will. The reason why my clients end up in dark places is because their subconscious is telling them over and over again to believe negative thoughts that are just NOT True. By following a few of the exercises (like the Calm Anchor Formula), you will begin to create a new belief system that will reject previous negative thoughts from arising.

Any negative feelings that arise really. Stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, fear…you name it, the 5X5 can help.

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